Monday, May 23, 2011

Perspective Avenged Sevenfold

Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan was the drummer for Avenged Sevenfold. He passed away on December 28th, 2009. Now I don't know how you all feel about this, but i was extremely sad when I found out about it. He was a cool, funny guy. He was also my favorite drummer of all time.

Not only was he a great drummer, he was a good person. He would make everyone laugh on many occasions.
If it makes us fans this sad, I can only imagine what it was like for the band. The Rev was their best friend, and losing him must have been extremely hard for them. Even though they now have Arin Ilejay as their drummer, no one could ever replace The Rev.

New Avenged Sevenfold Music Video!

Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that Avenged Sevenfold released their new music video for So Far Away! Also, they cancelled the concert where I live... but it's okay, I'll just get my money back and BE FUCKING STUPID WITH IT.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Guest Writer

My name is Kori, , and I am writing on Blake's blog!

This blog usually consists of bands where you have to strain your ears and mind to understand what they are saying. Which, is cool, I mean, if you're into that kind of thing. I, however, am more of a fan of acoustic music.

One of my favorite bands is The Dangerous Summer. They re-released their album Reach For The Sun, entirely acoustic, which has developed my liking for them into some kind of loving obsession.

Their lyrics are different. They aren't about death, or partying, or even about love. They're about life. They're about every essence of live, and every experience. They highlight the difficulties, and the inner struggles that you have with yourself when faced with problems.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Parkway Drive

Parkway Drive exploded with a blend of metal riffing, punishing breakdowns, and hardcore's emotional tension. Named after a rural countryside road, the band was formed in summer 2003 by vocalist Winston McCall, guitarists Luke Kilpatrick and Jeff Ling, drummer Ben Gordon, and bassist Jia O'Connor. The band split an EP with I Killed the Prom Queen that same year, and later appeared on the local hardcore compilation What We've Built. They then released the May 2005 release of Parkway Drive's debut EP, Don't Close Your Eyes, on Resist Records. Parkway Drive continued building a respected name for themselves in Australia, opening for Bleeding Through, Shadows Fall, Every Time I Die, Hatebreed, and other American bands who were touring. Parkway Drive journeyed to Massachusetts to record their full-length album with Killswitch Engage's Adam Dutkiewicz. In 2005, Killing with a Smile entered the Australian Independent Chart at number two in 2006. The debut album sold well across the country and later saw a North American release through Epitaph Records, which released the album in August. For the band's sophomore album, Parkway Drive again traveled to Massachusetts to redo their successful partnership with Dutkiewicz. The album Horizons came from those recording sessions, and Epitaph released the record in October 2006. In 2010, the band came back with their third album, Deep Blue.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Avenged Sevenfold

The members of Avenged Sevenfold were still attending high school in when they formed their band in 1999. It didn't take long for M. Shadows (vocals), Zacky Vengeance (guitar), Synyster Gates (guitar), the Rev (drums), and Johnny Christ (bass) to make an impression with their aggressive hybrid of metal, hard rock, and punk-pop. The band made its official debut in July 2001, releasing Sounding the Seventh Trumpet on the Good Life label before moving to Hopeless for 2003's Waking the Fallen. Warner Bros. took interest in the band's aggressive sound and issued its breakthrough release, City of Evil, in June 2005. The album reached number 30 on Billboard's Top 200. The music video for Bat Country was heavily rotated on MTV and Fuse, where live appearances also helped boost Avenged's growing profile, and the band won the Best New Artist Award at the 2006 MTV Video Music Awards. On December 22nd, 2009 Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan passed away, leaving the band without a drummer. Mike Portnoy of Dream Theater filled in for him for the rest of the tour until they could find a new drummer. And that is exactly what they did, in January they found a new drummer, Arin Ilejay, who helped record their new single, Not Ready To Die.

Imitation Writing

It was late. I found myself at a rest stop with a bunch of truckers. I figured I could hide in the back of an eighteen-wheeler for the night. I didn’t care where we went, I just had to get away from here. I jumped in the passenger seat while the driver was inside. I looked around for somewhere to hide before he came back. Then, right as I found a spot, I see a police car pull in. There’s no way they know I’m here I thought. My dad was fast asleep and my mom never checks on me at night anymore. Still, the police cars circle. Then I hear the door slam shut and the engine start up. Good I thought. I can finally get out of here. The gentle motion of the road lulled me to sleep. “Your ride is up kid” The voice makes me jump. I checked my phone, 7:30. I sat up and expected to see the truck driver standing there. I thought he had found out that I was back here. Instead I saw a cop standing there and my dad behind him. “Sorry, son.” He mouthed. I stared in disbelief, then glanced at my phone. Of course! I thought, why didn’t I turn off my phone? They probably used it to track me here! I looked around, trying to find a way out of this. That’s when I saw the car. I glanced at the cop and took off. I Jumped in the drivers seat, luckily the person left their keys in there. I quickly turned the car around and drove off.

Neal Shusterman

Neal Shusterman grew up in Brooklyn, New York, where he began writing at an early age. After spending his junior and senior years of high school at the American School of Mexico City, Neal went on to UC Irvine, where he made the UCI swim team, and wrote a successful humor column. Within a year of graduating, he had his first book, and was hired to write a movie script. In recent years, Neal has become a successful novelist, screenwriter, and television writer. His books have received many awards from organizations such as the International Reading Association, and the American Library Association. As a screen and TV writer, Neal has written for the "Goosebumps" and “Animorphs” TV series, and wrote the Disney Channel Original Movie “Pixel Perfect”.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be everything. A writer, an actor, a doctor, a rock star, an artist, an architect, and a film director. I had a teacher who said "You can't do that! You'll be a jack of all trades and a master of none!" But I had it worked out: I'd be a jack of seven trades, and master of three.
Then, in ninth grade I had an English teacher who really made a difference in my life. She saw my love of writing, and challenged me to write a story a month for extra credit. Since I desperately needed extra credit in her class, I took her up on the challenge, and by the end of ninth grade, I really began to feel like a writer. That's when writing emerged above all my other interests as my driving passion.” –Neal Shusterman

Neal Shusterman has a very unique style of writing. He goes into detail about what people are thinking and how they feel. He also describes what people are showing with body language to tell how they are feeling. He sometimes tells what people are feeling by describing what the government is doing about the situation they are in.

"Connor's parents don't know that Connor knows he's being unwound. He wasn't supposed to find out, but Connor has always been good at ferreting out secrets. Three weeks ago, while looking for a stapler in his dad's home office, he found airplane tickets to the Bahamas. They were going on a family vacation over Thanksgiving. One problem, though: There were only three tickets. His mother, his father, his younger brother. No ticket for him. At first he just figured the ticket was somewhere else, but the more he thought about it, the more it seemed wrong. So Connor went looking a little deeper when his parents were out, and he found it. The Unwind order. It had been signed in old-fashioned triplicate. The white copy was already gone -- off with the authorities. The yellow copy would accompany Connor to his end, and the pink would stay with his parents, as evidence of what they'd done. Perhaps they would frame it and hang it alongside his first- grade picture.
The date on the order was the day before the Bahamas trip. He was going off to be unwound, and they were going on vacation to make themselves feel better about it. The unfairness of it had made Connor want to break something. It had made him want to break a lot of things -- but he hadn't. For once he had held his temper, and aside from a few fights in school that weren't his fault, he kept his emotions hidden. He kept what he knew to himself. Everyone knew that an unwind order was irreversible, so screaming and fighting wouldn't change a thing. Besides, he found a certain power in knowing his parents' secret. Now the blows he could deal them were so much more effective. Like the day he brought flowers home for his mother and she cried for hours. Like the B-plus he brought home on a science test. Best grade he ever got in science. He handed it to his father, who looked at it, the color draining from his face. "See, Dad, my grades are getting better. I could even bring my science grade up to an A by the end of the semester." An hour later his father was sitting in a chair, still clutching the test in his hand, and staring blankly at the wall." -Unwind by Neal Shusterman

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

August Burns Red

I just recently discovered this band... They are amazing. August Burns Red they unleashes a precise, powerfully emotional metalcore onslaught that has won them fans of adventurous hard rock. August Burns Red was formed in Lancaster, PA, in 2003, and took their name from a local news story in which a troubled teenage girl set fire to a pet dog belonging to her former boyfriend. Featuring vocalist Jon Hershey, guitarists J.B. Brubaker and Brent Rambler, bassist Jordan Tuscan, and drummer Matt Greiner, the group recorded their first demo in 2004, when some of the members were still in high school; later that year, a local independent label, CI Records, released the group's first EP, Looks Fragile After All. Steady touring and positive response to the EP led to the group being signed to noted Christian metal label Solid State Records, who released August Burns Red's first full-length album, Thrill Seeker, in the fall of 2005. Thrill Seeker also marked the recording debut for vocalist Josh McManness, who replaced the departing Jon Hershey. McManness's stay with August Burns Red proved to be short, and when their second album, Messengers, reached stores in June 2007, the group had yet another lead singer, Jake Luhrs; Messengers marked the first time that the full band collaborated on lyrics as well as music for the album's 11 songs. Not long after Messengers was released, CI Records reissued Looks Fragile After All in a special edition with new cover artwork and a bonus DVD. Another look at the session for the album, Lost Messengers: The Outtakes, appeared from Solid State in 2009, along with a new studio project, Constellations.